A preview of the future.

How a consolidated bond tape will look.

Bondtape's technology supports a continual intraday feed of transaction data – providing the market with essential insights that drive greater transparency.

This continual tape feed gives the necessary relevance and context of market trading flows. Bondtape will offer this stream in a variety of distribution formats.

Our consolidated tapes cover both EU and UK trading venues. Bondtape will cover the entire spectrum of trading venues in our ‘go-live’ model. In addition to the continual data feed, Bondtape will offer a historical data service available in various distribution formats.

For more information, please contact us at info@bondtape.org

Why Bondtape?

We understand market data

Our collaborative approach brings together shared strengths and a breadth of expertise in data management and transparency to meet the future demands of bond markets in both the UK and Europe.

See our Data Quality Report

We know the use

Propellant has a proven model that meets the needs of institutional investors.

FINBOURNE’s platform builds on that to serve the market as a whole as well as retail investors. We provide a Consolidated Tape that ensures a reliable view of the market.  

Cost effective for market participants and end users

Offering scalable infrastructure and platform that makes Bondtape’s solution cost-effective for market participants and end-users.